Property Line Maps - Works online and offline on your cell phone

"You did a couple of maps for us last year and they have been wonderful! They have come in so handy in determining where we are on our land. Now our son has just purchased land and I want to get him a map too."
Carla in Maryland

Steps for placing an order

Step 1Please read our terms of service.
Step 2You email to us information about your property. See details below. Do not pay us yet.
Step 3We will evaluate that information and tell you whether or not we can produce approximate corner coordinates that meet our standards. Sometimes we will ask for additional information.
Step 4If we tell you that we can process your property, then you use the PayPal button at the bottom of this page to pay for your order. Paying through PayPal does not cost you anything. And all you need is a credit card. You do not need a PayPal account.
Step 5PayPal automatically sends us an email when you pay. After PayPal notifies us of the payment then we will process your order and send you the results. Most orders are completed the next day after we receive notice of your payment from PayPal. Special orders usually take another day.

When you send us email and do not see our reply by the end of the day, then please check your spam folder.

Got questions?

Please take a few minutes to read the PropertyLineMaps FAQ. Even if you do not think you have any questions you will likely find some helpful information.

Property information to send us

Please copy this list and then go to our contact page and click the email link. Paste this list into an email and provide as much of the information as you can.

In the subject line of the email you send us please provide:
Your full name - State where the land is - County where the land is
For example: Tom Hanson - CA - El Dorado

1. Is there cell service on your land  -or-  spotty cell service  -or-  no cell service at all? We will send different instructions and a different map link depending on whether or not there is cell service.

2. Either a survey or the legal description of the property.

The best information to send us is a high resolution scan of an entire survey. Alternatively, you can send us a good quality photo of the entire survey. Look at your photo before sending it and make sure that you can read all the survey data. If the survey is large you could take several overlapping pictures.

If you do not have a survey, then the best place to find the legal description is on the deed. A legible picture of the legal description is fine.

3. Tax parcel number(s). You can find this on your tax statement(s).

4. Number of acres for each tax parcel.

5. Full street address of the property, if one has been assigned.

6. Any GPS coordinates you have. A single GPS location collected with your cell phone will help us quickly get to the right neighborhood.

If you do not have any GPS coordinates for your property, then please try to find your property on Google maps. If you can find your land then put the cursor about in the middle and rightclick. Select "What's here" and then copy the coordinates that appear near the top of your screen. If you cannot find your land exactly on Google maps - no worries. Just rightclick in the general area to get coordinates and tell us when you place your order that your land is somewhere in this area.

7. Any tax map, assessor's map, parcel map or other map you have. You can send pictures of these. If we want to have a scanned image, we will ask you for one.

8. Any other information you have that you think might help us help you.

9. Your phone number. We rarely need to call any of our clients but occasionally the easiest way to solve a problem is with a quick phone call.

Paying with PayPal

If, after we review the property information, we tell you that we can produce approximate corner coordinates for the property, then the next step is for you to pay us. Using PayPal to pay us does not cost you anything and you do not need to have your own account with PayPal. All you need is a credit card.

Reminder: Wait for us to tell you that we can determine the approximate coordinates for your property corners before you pay us.

If making your map requires more than the standard amount of work, then click the small 'down' symbol next to the base price and then select the amount we quoted you.

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